Sunday, July 8, 2007

My Blessing, and My Curse

Before I start on my little tirade, I'd like to say that I love Mac, and all things Mac. Specifically MacBooks. Everything is so sleek and shiny.

But that does not absolve them from making me extremely frustrated.

For my birthday, I acquired a Video iPod. When I plugged it into my very old iMac, a nice little pop-up kindly told me that the iPod won't work unless I have iTunes 7.3. But in order to download that, I have to have QuickTime 7, and in order to have that, I'd have to upgrade my whole operating system to Mac OS 10.4. (I had 10. 3) Because my parents are cheap, they don't buy new computers, just new software. But OS 10.4 comes in DVD format, and my computer doesn't have a DVD reader. That posed quite a problem for me. I could either buy the DVD, send it back to Apple, with ten dollars, and get the CD version. Or I could wait till I got my MacBook, or I could try and find some place that sold just the CD ve
rsion. Well, had the CD version, so I bought it. Then, a few days later, I received a polite little email informing me that my coveted software was... out of stock. I proceeded to bang my head against my desk in frustration. They said that I could change my order to the DVD, and it would come with this mysterious "CD back-up" that would fix all my problems. At that point, I just stopped caring. I told them to switch my order, and hoped for the best. A few agonizing days later, my software arrived. Apparently, CD back up, is the DVD burned onto CD's. Which, really did fix all of my problems. In an hour or so, I had successfully (for like, the first time ever) installed OS 10.4.
Because the new operating system doesn't come with the new iTunes, I had to go to Apple, and download it myself. After a while, I clicked on my now blue, iTunes icon, only to be greeted my a soft little alert noise and a pop-up saying that I need to have 10.4.7 to be able to use it. This required me to go back to and download the entire 170MB of 10.4.10. (Which I thought was just like, 10.4.1, but, it's actually 10, and thus, higher than 7.) After four hours, I was starting to download my songs to my iPod. This took place yesterday. I received my iPod. It took me two weeks to set up my iPod. Speaking of which, all the album art is messed up. When I click on The Strokes - First Impressions of Earth, I get the album art for Atreyu - A Death Grip On Yesterday. Which is utterly, and completely wrong.

Why must I go through all of this? Because my Dad refuses to by anything un-Mac. Which is a blessing and a curse. I love all Mac things, and yet, they can be so mind-numbingly frustrating.

Curses upon you, Steve Jobs! May you break both your legs!

And on top of that, Blockbuster didn't have the original Transfomers: The Movie. Which is sad. Because that movie is better than cheescake. Which is quite delicious. (Whenever I spell 'delicious', I have to sing that part from "Fergalicious", otherwise, I end up spelling it 'delisicoiuisois' or something.)