Saturday, July 21, 2007


If you've ever been to North Platte, Nebraska (odds are you haven't), you know that you have few choices as to what you want to do. I mean, I could go down and watch the trains get sorted, but... why? That said, I now realize that the best way to keep myself busy is by doing things for my Grandparents. I woke up, and heated up a frozen omelet. They don't really cook here. The have a lot of frozen food. Then I did my daily blog. Blogging around here is not a trivial deal. I have to get up before my Grandma, make breakfast, go to the computer, get on Gmail, open up a Blogger window, then type my blog in my e-mail, then paste it in Blogger. It's all a precautionary measure to make sure my Grandma doesn't read my blog. Which, in reality, it would probably be easier to not care, and let her read it, but I like feeling skanduhlouz and sneaky. So, I'm not.
Anyway, after breakfast, my Grandad informed me that we would be painting their porch. I had nothing else to do, and I like painting, so I agreed to help. First, I had to sweep the porch. Then vacuum it, then mop it, then Grandad sanded it, I swept and vacuumed it again, and then we had to put wood filler in the cracks, then we had to let that dry, and then Grandad sanded it again, which was followed by me sweeping and vacuuming, and then finally, we were ready to paint it. The former color of the porch was dark forest green. When my Grandad opened up the can of paint, the brightness of the green kind of kicked me in the face. It's like neon sea foam green. The trim on the house is a sage-y color, and clashed rather dangerously. But, I did it anyway. And after we were done, it was actually kind of cute. It grew on me. Nonetheless, we are repainting it the same dark green, today. As the paint was drying, Grandma asked me if I wanted to go to the store. When people ask you if you want to go places around here, you say yes. No matter where you're going. So, we went to the store and got some juice, bananas, lettuce, dog treats, and ketchup. I also got a "treat", as my Grandma says, of Dulce de Leche yogurt. I'm so spoiled. We also picked up some green and some brown spray paint, with which we were going to paint the kitchen trashcan, and the porch chair. When we got back, we did so. After that, my Grandma suggested that we go take a walk around the park. I got Beryl, and we got in the car. When we got to the park I saw a herd of attractive young gentlemen, who all seemed to be staring at my Grandma and I. Then we walked around the length of the park a couple times, and returned to the car. Then my Grandma gave me the ol' "Tour of the Town." As you would expect, there's not much here. There are some fancier houses, which I did not know. But fancy is a relative term. When we returned home, my Grandad suggested that we play Scrabble, which is what they play every night. They know all those random two letter words, like Xi, Oo, Aa, Om, Ex, Ef, etc. And, needless to say, they won. I did, however, have a seven letter word: Sleighs. So, that was the highlight of my day.

Oh, yeah. Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows came out, and I don't have it. That was the low...light(?) of my day.